Posted by Sasha

The central work in the first solo exhibition of Elafur Eliasson at the museum by the Danish-Icelandic artist is a huge, site specific project that reverses the relation between nature and art.


Install ffmeg2theora converter. Open terminal on Mac and select your file, (change video.mp4 to the name of your file to convert and Documents to the actual location)

ffmpeg2theora Documents/video.mp4

Maximum quality settings:

ffmpeg2theora Documents/video.mp4 -v 10 -a 10

Converted file is placed in the same folder as the .mp4 version.

“The best content is watched live or near-live,” said Alex Iskold, the founder and chief executive of GetGlue, a social TV application that lets users check in and inform their friends about the programs and movies they’re watching. People have become accustomed to chatting along to big television events while on Twitter and Facebook, so that social component “has to be real time,” he said.

Last week, Rdio introduced Vdio, a video version of its site that will let people stream movies and TV shows and tell friends what they are watching while they are watching it.

Read the article

UserpicHow DKIM Signature Works
Posted by Sasha

The "DKIM-Signature" header field consists of a list of "tag=value" parts. Tags are short, usually only one or two letters. The most relevant ones are b for the actual digital signature of the contents (headers and body) of the mail message, bh for the body hash, d for the signing domain, and s for the selector. The default parameters for the authentication mechanism are to use SHA-256 as the cryptographic hash and RSA as the public key encryption scheme, and encode the encrypted hash using Base64.

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download html5shiv (zip file)

Insert minified distribution shiv in <head> element (after or before your CSS):
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="dist/html5shiv.js"></script>

Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

Apple has bought indoor-mapping specialist Wifislam as it looks to expand its maps product to compete with Google.

According to its website, Wifislam's technology works by using smartphones to "pinpoint its location (and the location of your friends) in real-time to 2.5m accuracy using only ambient WiFi signals that are already present in buildings".

The arrival of commercial Internet communications in the mid-1990s posed a threat to both the phone and cable companies; eventually, the FCC deregulated the entire sector, thinking that competition among various modalities of Internet access - cable, phone, wireless, satellite - would protect Americans. And in 2002, when the five-year period of deregulation began, there was indeed rough parity in speed and price between the cable companies and telephone companies providing Internet access.

Soon, however, cable companies found a way to upgrade their networks to provide connections perhaps 100 times faster than what was possible over copper wires, and at much lower expense than the phone companies incurred replacing their phone lines.

The American copper wire telephone system is, in fact, becoming obsolete. The physical switches used in the network are reaching the end of their useful lives. But now that cable has won the battle for wired Internet service and consumers are moving to mobile phones for voice service, the telephone companies are looking to shed the obligation to maintain their networks at all.

The United States is rapidly losing the global race for high-speed connectivity, as fewer than 8 percent of households have fiber service. And almost 30 percent of the country still isn’t connected to the Internet at all.

The South Korean government announced a plan to install 1 gigabit per second of symmetric fiber data access in every home by 2012. Hong Kong, Japan and the Netherlands are heading in the same direction. Australia plans to get 93 percent of homes and businesses connected to fiber. In Britain, a 300 Mbps fiber-to-the-home service will be offered on a wholesale basis.

The current 4 Mbps Internet access goal is unquestionably shortsighted. It allows the digital divide to survive, and ensures that the U.S. will stagnate.

n 2011, six Time Warner Inc. lobbyists persuaded the North Carolina legislature to pass a “level playing field” bill making it impossible for cities in that state to create their own high-speed Internet access networks. Time Warner, which reported $26 billion in revenue in 2010, donated more than $6.3 million to North Carolina politicians over four years. Eighteen other states have laws that make it extremely difficult or impossible for cities to provide this service to their residents.

Read a full article on Bloomberg News

According to a recent research, Twitter users are forming tribes and frequently include keywords (hash) to communicate within the tribe:

Twitter users are forming 'tribes', each with their own language, according to a scientific analysis of millions of tweets.

The research on Twitter word usage throws up a pattern of behavior that seems to contradict the commonly held belief that users simply want to share everything with everyone. In fact, the findings point to a more precise use of social media where users frequently include keywords in their tweets so that they engage more effectively with other members of their community or tribe. Just like our ancestors we try to join communities based on our political interests, ethnicity, work and hobbies.

Accessibility, Firefox, Mac Tips, Usability
UserpicConverting Video to OGG Theora on Mac Review
Posted by Sasha

If you are using HTML 5 video tags, you might consider including OGG Theora file type in the source of your video files. Unfortunately, while both Safari and Google Chrome browsers can play Quicktime files without additional plug-ins, Firefox as of today decided to stay with an Open Source OGG Theora video files. We tested a couple of tools available on the market for Mac users. First one is Micro Video Converter (tested Version 3.0) is not recommended due to the flaw which renders the bit rate of a video file unacceptable. The online tool which is available at did a much better job and is recommended in this version. Micro Video Converter has a user friendly interface and hopefully they will fix this bug in the future release.

One more remote control is not what consumer looking for. It is interesting who funded this research.

In a home full of connected gadgets, rather than allowing new OTT players to take market share from the pay platforms, they are actually creating a networked platform for the pay-TV operators to exploit. At CES, all the US cable and satellite operators (their versions of Sky, Virgin and BT) have developed apps and systems that let them exploit all the screens in these new networked homes. The TV industry is moving towards DVRs configured as complete "home media hubs".

In a home full of connected gadgets it is easier to throw away recycle all of them and cut the cord while at it and go with OTT.

According to the latest survey Manhattan is the most polluted part on New York City.

Researchers collected and analyzed air samples from 150 sites across the five boroughs last winter. The survey found that fine-particle and sulfur dioxide pollution was concentrated in areas where more buildings burn oil for heat, and levels were especially high in areas where buildings use so-called residual oil (also known as No. 4 and No. 6 oil) in their boilers.


Read more: New York's Dirty Secret: The effort to clean up America's largest oil spill

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, most of the high-income housing cooperatives failed. This was partly due to excessive mortgaging and promoter profits, but also it was due to high vacancy rates in these high cost apartments.

By 1934, over 75 percent of the real estate promoted co-ops in New York and Chicago had gone bankrupt.

The second major inducement for the development of low and moderate income housing cooperatives in New York was the passage of the 1955 New York State Limited Profit Corporations Laws, popularly known as the "Mitchell- Lama Act."

If a household's income exceeds the income limit, which is set at eight times the monthly carrying charge for households of four or more, that household pays a premium over the base monthly carrying charge, but this premium can not exceed 50 percent of the base charges (Garst, 1996).

There has been strong pressure for deregulation of some these Mitchell-Lama cooperatives, that is for the members to convert them to market-rate cooperatives or condominiums after the 20 or 40 year time limit on restrictions as affordable housing expires. A "case study" of a specific Mitchell-Lama co-p illustrates some of the problems of sustaining the affordability of these co-ops. When this specific co-op was built in the early 1960s, a membership share cost $2,300. By the early 1990s, as a limited equity share, it was worth about $10,000, and the base monthly carrying charges for a living unit in the co-op were $325. Therefore, this co-op would still qualify as affordable housing in the 1990s. (Twenty percent of the income of this cooperative comes from renting out street-level store fronts.)

Because of the shifts in the national real estate market since the 1960s, and because of gentrification in the neighborhood around this cooperative, in the early 1990s, these units were appraised as having a market value of over $200,000 each. As a result, many members of this cooperative wanted to convert the co-op into a market-rate co-op. On the other hand, some of the members argued for permanent preservation of the co-op as affordable housing. During the debate over the issue among co-op members, it was discovered that this cooperative is in an urban renewal area, and consequently it will remain as an affordable co-op for 40 years (Garst, 1994).4

New York City became the owner of thousands of occupied buildings taken from private landlords who failed to pay their real estate taxes, mainly during the city's fiscal crisis in the 1970s. These buildings contain about 69,000 dwelling units (Task Force, 1993). Finding themselves with an undesired inventory of housing, City officials wanted to sell as many as possible of these properties to private owners. To do this the City's Department of Housing Preservation and Development invests some funds in repairing these buildings, and then it offers them for sale at essentially the cost of the repairs.

Many of the buildings have strong tenant organizations which pre-dated the City's foreclosure. These tenant groups, working with community organizers, proposed that they be eligible to buy the buildings themselves as limited equity cooperatives.

n 1996, about 20 percent of the approximately 1,000 former New York City owned properties that had been converted to LECs are experiencing some financial difficulties. Forty four of these co-ops are in severe financial crisis, that is, the co-op is close to bankruptcy. Problems for these co-ops include: 1) Inadequate structural repairs in some of the buildings before they were turned over to the co-ops; 2) Other City agencies treat these LECs as if they were for-profit privately owned rental properties. As a result, these LECs experienced large increases in property taxes and in water and sewer charges; 3) The failure of the sponsoring City agency to adequately oversee these projects; 4) UHAB's lack of formal power and funding needed for it to give technical assistance and to oversee these co-ops once they gained independence from the City; 5) Efforts to create a secondary co-op of the LECs has been hindered by the City.

Download and read a full document

Traffic jam

Yahoos, Get in the Office!

The latest move by the new chief executive of Yahoo Marissa Mayer, who herself returned to work weeks after giving birth seems to signify exactly what is wrong with Yahoo: The company is lead by the executives who are stuck in the mentality of the 1990's with the filing cabinets and water cooler talks.

According to Marissa Mayers: "Speed and quality are often sacrificed when we work from home."

Virgin entrepreneur Richard Branson, who spends much of his time working on Necker Island in the Caribbean, was quick to respond, calling it a "backwards step in an age when remote working is easier and more effective than ever".

Prof Jennifer Glass, co-author of a report on the US workforce published by the University of Texas at Austin, says for many people, especially those in their 30s and 40s, teleworking is part of their work after they have already done 40 hours in the office.
Glass was "flabbergasted" by the Yahoo memo. "This seems to be trying to bring Yahoo in line with corporate America, not high-tech industries," she says.
"The idea that this is going to promote more innovation seems bizarre."

The steps below will work for your iPhone if it is connected to AT&T or most other major U.S. carriers.

Step 1

Tap the "Phone" icon on your iPhone's home screen. Enter "*#61#" and tap "Call" to determine the number of your voice mailbox. Record this number.

Step 2

Tap the "Settings" icon on your home screen. Once the menu opens, select "Phone" and then "Call Forwarding." Enter the number of your voice mailbox in the field. Exit the menu to save your settings.

Step 3

Return to the phone's keypad. Enter "#404" and tap "Call" to disable your voicemail function. Thereafter, you will need to call your voice mailbox to check for any messages that have been left for you.

Step 4

Enable divert options if desired. After you disable your voicemail, type "#61#" to enable a "no answer" divert; "62" for a "not reachable" divert; or "67" for a "busy" divert.

Step 5

Reactivate your voicemail by entering "*004#" and pressing "Call."


  • All of the numbers above should be entered without quotes.

  • If you are unable to disable voicemail, contact the customer service branch of your particular carrier.

The 10 best movie manhunts compiled by The Guardian

Ten Best: The Great Train Robbery

The Great Train Robbery
Edwin S Porter, 1903

Set in the wild west, filmed across the Hudson river from New York, this landmark in narrative cinema begins in a railroad station with robbers overpowering the wireless operator, followed by the violent and bloody hijacking of a train. The assaulted radio operator is discovered and revived and a posse sworn in to track down the outlaws. This archetypal story of offence, pursuit and retribution has obsessed the cinema for 110 years and lies behind the famous admonition, attributed to movie pioneer Hal Roach (1892-1992): “Cut to the chase.” Photograph: Ronald Grant Archive

Fritz Lang, 1931

The Most Dangerous Game
Ernest B Schoedsack, Irving Pichel, 1932

Les Misérables
Richard Boleslawski, 1935

The Stranger
Orson Welles, 1946

Odd Man Out

Carol Reed, 1947

North by Northwest

Alfred Hitchcock, 1959

Stanley Kubrick, 1960

Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
Sam Peckinpah, 1973

The Fugitive
Andrew Davis, 1993

El Bulli Movie Poster

British quad designed by Lee Basford for Fluid, based on a photograph by El Bulli’s star photographer Francesc Guillamet, that conveyed the invention and joie de vivre (or joie of cooking) of Ferran Adrià’s creations.

See full selection

Digital sales are replacing the high street physical sales at a steady rate

Films and music had a smaller share of the digital market but sharper growth - downloaded films up by 20% and , music by 15%.

BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones said: "The entertainment industry has been struggling to adapt to the digital age.

"And while consumers are now paying for downloads, that's not making up for the rapid fall in high street sales."

Super Spider

Scientists in Peru have discovered what they think may be a new species of a spider that builds elaborate, fake spiders and hangs them in its web

Believed to be a new species in the genus Cyclosa, the arachnid crafts the larger spider from leaves, debris and dead insects. Though Cyclosa includes other sculpting arachnids, this is the first one observed to build a replica with multiple, spidery legs.

Scientists suspect the fake spiders serve as decoys, part of a defense mechanism meant to confuse or distract predators.

Mobile Internet, Offbeat
UserpicTo Stream on Everything Takes a Lot of Encoding
Posted by Sasha

Want to deliver digital video media to all known devices? Think about encoding it at least 120 times. With more devices on its' way and rapidly changing standards, that number is likely to be much higher.

Xboxes, iPads, connected TVs: Netflix streams to a lot of different devices. More than 900, to be precise. And many of them have different screen sizes, bitrate requirements and codec support. That’s why Netflix is doing a whole lot of encoding

Cambodian Trees Project

Cambodian Trees is a digital projection work by French artist Clement Briend who traveled to Cambodia to photograph these sculptural representations of deities and spirits from Cambodian culture overlaid on trees in several urban areas. Visit website