While Blockbuster stock is in jeopardy of being delisted by The New York Stock Exchange and web site 27/7WallSt.com listed Blockbuster among the 10 most likely brands to be extinct in 2010, Blockbuster has no intentions of going away quietly.

According to Home Media Magazine "Blockbuster Inc. — the venerable brand some believe to be as relevant as the pager — is about to reinvent itself as a one-stop shop for home enetertainment." Blockbuster will unveil additional Consumer Electronics partnerships, including high-definition televisions that feature an internal Blockbuster widget, which is supposed to enable consumers to rent or buy movies electronically. For example, consumers who download a Blockbuster rental will be able to pause the movie and play it later on other connected devices.

It appears that Blockbuster still doesn't understand the shifts in the technology, which enable consumer to break their dependance from the devices such as TiVo, etc. and play a movie on one single device, such as their computer or iPod for viewing on demand.

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