Most knowledgeable webmasters find the idea of moving the site from one platform to another, from one domain to another, or both as a rather scary process. The reasons are rather simple.

First of all, setting up Redirect 301 or other blanket redirect from one domain to another is hardly going to work for all visitors. Run a simple Google search on the terms and see how many external pages are linked to your site. Well, you have to contact all of them and ask them to change the old link.

Second, open Google Webmaster account and see how many pages from your site are indexed in the Google Search Engine. Yes, you have to set up an individual redirect 301 for each one of those pages. Same goes for images. Those redirects can easily run into thousands individual redirects for a dynamic site.

computer's wasteland

If you still feel that you absolutely positively must move your site to a new platform and have a few hundred of hours of disposable manpower to do so properly, read a few recommendations from Google. Making a site is a rather simple process in comparison with retaining the precious Search Engine presence and ranking.

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