Faux pas revealed during the interview with an anonymous Facebook employee, such as master passwords, keeping data after it has been deleted and eye tracking are all business as usual for anybody ever involved in developing social media platforms. Yet, master password sounds really redundant since all the data is stored on the back end. Indefinitely. At least for now.

Employee: It’s really hard to judge exactly the way users are going to react. We just didn’t have a good enough beta-testing system in place. When you have a group of twenty engineers working on a project, they think it’s the most beautiful, immaculate thing in the world, and then they build it, and a project manager approves it. Initially, when that was the case, we just pushed it, and if users didn’t like it we pulled it back. That was just our philosophy, one of trial and error. Whereas now we’ve started running psychological analysis, starting to…

Rumpus: Oh really?

Employee: Fuck yeah. Are you kidding me? We do eye-tracking to see where your eyes move while you browse Facebook.

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